
Gratitude to all the souls that have contributed to our Testimonials page 🙂


Pellowah Workshop
I attended the Pellowah 1 and 2 workshops hosted by Peter and Michelle of Queensland Pellowah Healing and Training Centre and loved it!  Peter and Michelle are really lovely people with a wealth of knowledge in metaphysical and alternative thinking.  The workshops came at the perfect time in my life where I was able to integrate all that I learnt into my current healing practices.  Pellowah 1 and 2 expand your consciousness and enhance your energy healing tools and practices.  If you have clients, adding Pellowah healing to your practice will greatly benefit your clients.
Personally I feel the difference before Pellowah and after Pellowah in my thinking and my life.
I definitely recommend 🙂
Jenny Summerville
Pellowah Healing
I have received Pellowah Healing from Michelle on a number of occasions and always feel relaxed and mentally clearer after each time. I definitely recommend Michelle and Pellowah Healing.
Lionel S
I had a very relaxing massage! Highly recommend making an appointment with Michelle for massage and Peter for a healing! Keep up the good work.
Katie E
Reading & Pellowah Healing
I have had readings and a Pellowah Healing with Peter. He is a gifted individual. I walked away with a clearer direction and it COMPLETELY shifted my consciousness as far as understanding life’s purpose and trusting my higher self. I highly recommend Peter !
Melissa Moran
Pellowah Healing
My life has been full of surprises since I had a Pellowah Healing with Michelle. Where I would have experienced obstacles in the past things have just fallen into place and I thank Pellowah for that. My business has expanded beyond my expectations and my outlook has become more optimistic. Definitely recommend a Pellowah Healing if you are seeking clarity and want to move forward on the right path.
Pellowah Workshop
I would like to say a big thank you to Michelle and Peter for the Pellowah workshop that I has the pleasure in attending last weekend. We could not have a better teacher than Peter he explained everything so well. I would highly recommend Peter and Michelle to anybody that is considering doing the Pellowah workshop.
Heather Dennison
Wonderful people with gr8 energy and many destinations that I may have to travel on.
Tracey Jane Barnes